Wood-Fired Hot Tub Kits Review: Understand the Differences between Gardenvity, Skargards, Royal Tubs and Other Top Brands

A wood-fired hot tub from Skargards with the main components added on package
Photo credit: Skargards

Photo credit: Skargards

What does the tagline “From £XX” really mean when browsing the e-stores of wood-fired hot tub manufacturers, such as Gardenvity, Royal Tubs, Skargards, and others? How much is this figure going to change by the time you’ve added all of the essential parts to your cart and you’re ready to check out your completed ready-to-use wood-fired hot tub kit? Brands either choose to show the lowest possible price first and then offer a wide range of extra components as accessories, or they will include the essential parts in a package to save you the trouble of checking boxes to give you a realistic price. If you’re looking to purchase a wood-fired hot tub for ultimate comfort and relaxation, keep reading to learn about the differences between the top wood-fired hot tub brands in the UK. 

Let’s compare each brand’s basic package when you click on a hot tub model from their product list.

A glimpse into a brand’s hot tub kit contents

Here’s a quick summary:

  • Gardenvity offers all the essential parts as standard in their all-inclusive hot tub packages (unless you are choosing from their premium models, where you select most components yourself). The price will only be slightly altered if you add on additional accessories. 
  • Royal Tubs allow you to choose from their special offers with a fixed price as they keep those models in stock with the most necessary parts packaged and ready to load onto the delivery truck. Only minor additions are possible to that, or you can design your own hot tub and obtain a personal quote based on your chosen specifications.
  • Kirami (The Log Company) hot tub kits have many parts included to meet your basic hot tub needs. For the ultimate relaxation and comfort, you’ll need to add on massage and water filtration systems at extra cost.  
  • TimberIN’s starting prices may be very low, but you’ll soon realise that the basic kits for some models do not include a heater, for example. There are variations between different product lines when you are customising your ideal hot tub kit. Have patience as you browse through the various options since you’ll only see the total price once you have a complete hot tub kit. 
  • Lastly, Skargards’ product prices almost double after you select all the necessary parts to use your hot tub as a modern spa properly.

Comparing the essential hot tub components included in wood-fired hot tub kits at initial price. You can download and print the comparison table below for your needs.

Gardenvity Column of what Gardenvity adds to their kit at the initial price Royal Tubs* Column of what Royal Tubs add to their kit at the initial price Kirami (The Log Company) Column of what The Log Company adds to their kit at the initial price TimberIN Column of what Timberin adds to their kit at the initial price Skargards Column of what Skargards add to their kit at the initial price
Gardenvity Gardenvity logo img
Gardenvity adds a wooden hot tub with a liner to the initial price offer
Royal Tubs* royal tubsglogo img
Royal Tubs add a wooden hot tub with a liner to the initial price offer
Kirami (The Log Company) the log company logo img
Kirami adds a wooden hot tub with a liner to the initial price offer
TimberIN timberin logo img
Timberin adds a wooden hot tub with a liner to the initial price offer
Skargards skargards img
Skargards add a wooden hot tub with a liner to the initial price offer
Wooden hot tub with a liner**
Gardenvity Gardenvity logo img
Gardenvity adds a heater and full chimney assembly with heat guards to the initial price offer Heater, chimney, heat guard, rain cowl
Royal Tubs* royal tubsglogo img
Royal Tubs add a heater and full chimney assembly with heat guards to the initial price offer Heater, chimney, heat guard, rain cowl
Kirami (The Log Company) the log company logo img
The Log Company adds a heater and full chimney assembly with heat guards to the initial price offer Heater, chimney, heat shield, rain cowl
TimberIN timberin logo img
Timberin adds a heater and chimney with heat guard to the initial price offer Heater, chimney, heat guard
Timberin does not add a heater and chimney assembly to the initial price offer with cheaper models Not included in initial offer with cheaper models
Skargards skargards img
Skargards add a heater and chimney to the initial price offer Heater, chimney
Skargards doesn not add a chimney heat guard and rain cowl to the initial price offer Heat guard, rain cowl
Heater and chimney
Gardenvity Gardenvity logo img
Gardenvity adds standard steps to the initial price offer
Royal Tubs* royal tubsglogo img
Royal Tubs add standard steps to the initial price offer
Kirami (The Log Company) the log company logo img
The Log Company adds standard steps to the initial price offer
TimberIN timberin logo img
Timberin adds standard steps to the initial price offer with some models
Timberin does not add steps to the initial price offer with cheaper models Not included in initial offer with cheaper models
Skargards skargards img
Skargards do not add steps to the initial price offer
Gardenvity Gardenvity logo img
Gardenvity adds a cover to the initial price offer Insulated artificial leather cover
Royal Tubs* royal tubsglogo img
Royal Tubs add a cover to the initial price offer Insulated artificial leather or wooden lid (depends on the model)
Kirami (The Log Company) the log company logo img
The Log Company adds a cover to the initial price offer ABS plastic lid
TimberIN timberin logo img
Timberin adds a cover to the initial price offer with some models Fiberglass lid, insulated artificial leather or wooden lid
Timberin does not add a cover to the initial price offer with cheaper models Not included in initial offer with cheaper models
Skargards skargards img
Skargards do not add a cover to the initial price offer
Gardenvity Gardenvity logo img
Gardenvity adds a water filter to the initial price offer with some models Integrated cartridge or sand filter (depending on the model)
Gardenvity does not add a water filter to the initial price offer with Premium models Must be added for Premium models
Royal Tubs* royal tubsglogo img
Royal Tubs do not add a water filter to the initial price offer
Kirami (The Log Company) the log company logo img
The Log Company does not add a water filter to the initial price offer
TimberIN timberin logo img
Timberin does not add a water filter to the initial price offer
Skargards skargards img
Skargards do not add a water filter to the initial price offer
Water filter**
Gardenvity Gardenvity logo img
Gardenvity adds a SPA system to the initial price offer with some models Air and/or hydro massage jets
Gardenvity does not add a SPA system to the initial price offer with Premium models Must be added for Premium models
Royal Tubs* royal tubsglogo img
Royal Tubs add a SPA system to the initial price offer with Deluxe models Air and hydro massage jets in Deluxe
Kirami (The Log Company) the log company logo img
The Log Company does not add a SPA system to the initial price offer
TimberIN timberin logo img
Timberin adds a SPA system to the initial price offer with some models Hydro massage (only included for some models)
Timberin does not add a SPA system to the initial price offer with most models
Skargards skargards img
Skargards do not add a SPA system to the initial price offer
SPA system**
Gardenvity Gardenvity logo img
Gardenvity adds LED lighting to the initial price offer with some models
Gardenvity does not add LED lighting to the initial price offer with Premium models Must be added for Premium models
Royal Tubs* royal tubsglogo img
Royal Tubs add LED lighting to the initial price offer
Kirami (The Log Company) the log company logo img
The Log Company does not add LED lighting to the initial price offer
TimberIN timberin logo img
Timberin adds LED lighting to the initial price offer with some models Only included for some models
Timberin does not add LED lighting to the initial price offer with many models
Skargards skargards img
Skargards do not add LED lighting to the initial price offer
LED llighting**
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*Only the information for special orders of the Royal Tubs hot tub kits is shown. For a customized hot tub kit, each component must be manually selected and there is no initial price shown prior to checkout. 

**None of the manufacturers include a liner in any all-wood hot tub models. Components requiring electric power are also not included in any manufacturer’s off-the-grid models.  

Let’s dive into the specifics, shall we?


This brand is our clear favourite in terms of showing the customer the price in the clearest and fairest way. What you see on the product page is how much you’re going to spend on your hot tub with the essential parts included in their “all-inclusive package”. That kit is built to contain all that you will need – just have a look at the screenshot from one of their product pages below:

Showing a Gardenvity wood-fired hot tub as a special summer-deal offer and its package content.

From the base model, you can then add accessories such as a minibar, glass holders, hearth plate and chimney extension, depending on your needs. Unless you add on these extras, the price shown is pretty much the final price you’re going to pay. 

With Gardenvity’s premium models, however, you get the hot tub with an acrylic liner, heater and chimney with heat guards and rain cowl, insulated cover and high-flow tap already included, but then you’re offered to customise the water filtration, massage, lighting and similar features which adds to the overall price.

Royal Tubs

On the Royal Tubs website, you face two paths when it comes to your hot tub kit: You can opt for a pre-packaged special offer with a fixed price which is almost instantly ready to ship to your backyard, or you can click on the “Design Your Hot Tub” option to select each component separately then receive a personal quote. 

Royal Tubs’ special offers include all of the parts you need to use your hot tub safely and comfortably, except for a water filter, which you are offered and can add on before you checkout, same as a minibar. 

Here’s a snapshot of the parts that are included in one of Royal Tubs’ special offers:

Displaying a Royal Tubs special offer with its price and the parts included in the deal.

Kirami (The Log Company)

When buying a wooden hot tub from Kirami, the basic kit may be all you need. Below is an outline of the parts that are included as shown on their website:

The parts included inone of the Kirami wood-fired hot tub package.

What’s missing for your complete relaxation and comfort that you can expect from a modern wood-fired hot tub, we believe, are the massage and water filtration systems. You can add these, of course, for an extra fee that will increase the initial price of the hot tub kit.


Ugh… It takes a bit of time to get to grips with TimberIN’s user experience and pricing approach, but we believe we’ve finally managed it to be able to provide you with this summary. 

TimberIN’s initial price (“from £XX”) includes a hot tub with or without a liner (depends on the model), wooden stairs, a stirring paddle and a fibreglass or a wooden lid. If you find yourself wondering why this price would not include the heater (we’re talking about a hot tub, not a cold one, after all), then you’re not alone – it’s quite weird to us, too. 

BUT! That’s not the case with all models, since if you start customising, for example, their Wellness Royal model, the heater is there, included in the initial price. The Royal model will also include a heat guard and a minibar (not included for some other models). 

So, you have to play around with the options and accessories for each TimberIN hot tub model since there’s no uniform approach when it comes to their offered wooden hot tub kits. After patiently checking the parts included in the hot tub kits or that have to be ordered as accessories for different models, the hydro and air massage, electric heating, water filtration systems and water discharge valves have to be added to the cart for any model, which increases the initial price. 

As mentioned in our previous article, TimberIN’s specifics are that their prices are shown in Euros (lucky us – conversion rates are in favour of the Pound sterling), but they do not include shipping, VAT and UK customs fees, so the final bill will be quite different from the tempting prices shown initially on their product pages. 


Visiting Skargards’ glamorous e-store, you’ll see the “from £XX” prices shown with each model, but this isn’t the price you’ll ultimately pay for your complete hot tub kit. 
The price of the basic package only covers the hot tub with a liner and the heater and chimney (but without a heat guard or rain cowl). Any other components, from an insulated lid to water filtration or massage systems, have to be added to your cart as extra items – for nearly double the initial price. As you’re unlikely to be able to enjoy the full relaxing, comfortable, safe and enjoyable hot tub experience without stairs, a water filter, massage system, cover or heat guard, our conclusion is that Skargards’ hot tub kit is not complete without paying extra for those essential parts.

Ready to learn more about the components of wood-fired hot tubs?

If you’re keen to get a better understanding of the main components and technologies used in modern wood-fired hot tubs and the benefits of each accessory, check out these two blog posts on our website. 

The first article will help you to decide which hot tub types and features best suit your needs. The next article details the wood-fired hot tub accessories you do and don’t need and how they add to your experience

Take care!